LOBA plans to reopen September 9, 2020 on site. Barring NY state mandate or an outbreak on our campus or in our community, we will continue through the school calendar on-campus.
It is the goal of LOBA administration to keep students and staff safe and healthy, to maintain a continuity of instruction, and to communicate effectively. We will strive to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus, to maintain a healthy student body and staff through the use of enhanced hygiene and sanitization procedures and to prepare to manage any illness on campus or in our community while maintaining continuity of instruction.
The size of our facility, coupled with the limited size of our staff and student body, makes it feasible to comply with guidelines as set down by the CDC, DOH, and the NYS Task Force for reopening on-campus education.
If a hybrid schedule becomes necessary, we are prepared to combination of limited in class rotating schedule coupled with technology such as zoom, email, text, and phone calls. An initial screening for all students, faculty, and staff will be conducted on the first day of school (faculty and staff will complete this questionnaire during Pre-service and also on the first day of school). The questionnaire will be repeated every two weeks and on the first day following a long break.
The questionnaire is intended to determine whether the individual has: (1) knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19; (2) Tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the past 14 days; (3) Has experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including a temperature of greater than 100.0°F, in the past 14 days; and/or (4) Has traveled internationally or from a state with widespread community transmission of COVID- 19 per the New York State Travel Advisory in the past 14 days. Where practicable, visitors, contractors, and vendors will be asked to complete this questionnaire as well.
Communication The following reopening plan has been established by the administration and school board of Lake Ontario Baptist Academy in July 2020. It will be submitted to parents and other community stakeholders in August 2020.
Staff members will be trained on all new COVID-19 protocols during the regularly scheduled in-service training.
COVID-19 communications will be via email and text groups unless a more immediate phone call is necessary.
Signs will be placed around the building reminding individuals to stay home when they feel sick, cover their mouths and noses, adhere to social distancing regulations, report symptoms of COVID-19, and follow hand and respiratory hygiene guidelines.
All guidelines and updates will be posted on our school website.
Students and parents will be notified of proper safety protocols prior to the first day of school. The first day of school will be dedicated to group training on site, and staff will reinforce throughout the year.
Health and Safety Health Checks:
Staff members and students will have their temperatures checked regularly. Any person whose temperature is over 100.0°F will be sent home. In addition, any person demonstrating any symptom of COVID-19 will be sent home until the symptom(s) clears and/or a COVID-19 test is returned negative. Students or staff members who have travelled to any area under a New York State Travel Advisory must complete the required quarantine before entering the school.
Health checks are primarily the responsibility of parents. Students should not be sent to school with any COVID-19 related symptoms or a temperature over 100°. Teachers will check temperatures as a part of their morning routine each day.
Any person who receives a positive COVID-19 test will not be allowed to return to the building for two weeks. All recommendations from local health departments and the person’s physician will also be followed, including those regarding siblings and other family members of the person who tested positive.
Complete confidentiality will be maintained and any individual’s positive test results will not be shared, except as required by law.
If a person tests positive for COVID-19, the school constituency will be notified of a positive test and actions taken based on health department recommendations and relevant state and local laws.
If a building closure is deemed necessary by the local health department, LOBA’s education will temporarily shift to remote learning, and staff will be prepared for this shift with one day’s notice.
Healthy Hygiene Practices:
An adequate supply of hand sanitizer will be placed in each classroom. Students will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer regularly and will be instructed in its proper use.
Teachers will setup a regular hand washing schedule during the day. At the prescribed times, students will be required to wash their hands with soap and water. Teachers will provide instruction for younger students in proper hand-washing procedures.
PPE and Face Coverings:
Parents and other visitors to the school building will be asked to wear a mask or face shield inside the building.
Face coverings should be worn by staff and students (particularly older students) as feasible, and are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult. Individuals should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently.
Social Distancing:
Classrooms will be limited to 14 students or fewer.
All student’s desks are separated by a divider and spaced out as much as possible.
Teachers will be responsible for not allowing or creating long lines in the hallway. When lines are necessary, students will be expected to maintain as much physical distancing as possible and not hold hands with a partner.
Hallway traffic will flow by along outer walls heading in the same direction, preventing face-to-face contact. Signs will be utilized to remind and guide students.
At dismissal, students will be encouraged and reminded to remain approximately 6 feet apart while waiting for a ride or bus transportation.
Students will be dismissed at a staggered rate to maximize social distancing at lockers and the foyer.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
The computer keyboards, mice, and desks will be disinfected regularly.
Frequently used and common areas, such as bathrooms and drinking fountains, will be disinfected regularly.
A cleaning schedule will be established for staff.
Classrooms will be cleaned each day by the classroom teacher using disinfectant cleaner on all appropriate surfaces.
Facilities Guidance
Classroom windows will be opened whenever possible during the school day.
Fire drills and lockdown drills will be held with social distancing policies in place.
An adequate supply of hand sanitizer will be placed in each classroom.
Efforts will be made to maximize square footage in the facility to allow for social distancing.
HEPA-filters will be installed and regularly maintained to provide healthy indoor air quality.
Child Nutrition
Any snacks or meals for students will be supplied by parents or by trusted outside vendors.
Any food sold will be prepackaged.
The school cafeteria will be operated at 50%, to allow proper social distancing.
Students will be encouraged to wash hands thoroughly before and after meals.
The cafeteria will be regularly disinfected.
Our school does not provide transportation.
It is recommended that each student follow the guidelines set by the district that is responsible for the bussing.
School dismissal will be staggered to aid in social distancing while boarding busses.
Off-campus field trips will not be scheduled during the first marking period or until the pandemic emergency has ended.
Social Emotional Well-Being
Teachers and administrators should present a calm manner to students at all times, regardless of the latest news or even of any infection in our building. We must all be prepared, however, to counsel students who are afraid of what they hear and see around them.
Staff members will be alert to students who may have had stressful or traumatic experiences while isolated from schools.
Staff members will refer any concerns to the Principal who will determine the best response, in conjunction with the Senior Pastor.
School Schedules
LOBA will strive to offer ease and flexibility of education while maintaining high academic standards, regardless of the instruction format.
In-Person Instruction is the preferred form of education. It is defined as 5 days of in person classroom instruction.
Hybrid Instruction would be implemented if deemed necessary by state or local officials.
It is defined as staggered in-person instruction coupled with remote learning.
Remote Instruction would be implemented if deemed by state or local officials. It is defined by remote learning coupled with online staff instruction with minimal to no in person interaction. This would include phone calls, text messages, Zoom calls, and email.
All instruction will be provided by in-person instructional methods unless the school building is ordered to be closed by civil authorities.
If a building closure is deemed necessary by the local health department, LOBA’s education will temporarily shift to remote learning, and staff will be prepared for this shift with one day’s notice.
Parents will be notified by letter and email.
During any building closures, faculty and staff will be expected to work at least 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM from home and be available for phone calls and emails during those hours.
From the start of training in September, teachers will work with our administrative team to develop plans and methodologies for remote learning appropriate for each grade.
Lake Ontario Baptist Academy would consider extending the calendar year and day schedule.
Any and all changes will be clearly communicated to students, staff, and parents thought the school year.
During regular in-person instruction, attendance will be taken as detailed in our Student Handbook according to standard policy.
If temporary remote learning is deemed necessary, attendance will be determined by work submitted through the asynchronous learning platforms specified.
Any allegations of educational neglect by parents will be referred to the Administrator or Principal. They will work with the parents to avoid the need of contacting a local department of the social services.
Teaching and Learning
As much as is possible, students in each classroom will avoid interacting with studentsfrom other classrooms, forming a “cohort” throughout the day.
Field Trips -
We understand the importance of the cultural events that make up part of our curriculum and the culture of our school.
If possible, we will offer grade-specific field trips, but we will continue to monitor state and local recommendations.
We are working with parents to provide opportunities to bring “field trip-like” activities into the curriculum to supplement learning.
Grading policies will continue to follow those established policies in the LOBA Student Handbook.
Morning staff meetings will be maintained to reinforce all new guidelines.
Physical Education -
PE classes and recess times will be scheduled by school administration in a staggered fashion.
PE classes, extended session, and recess will be held outside whenever possible and safe to do so. The PE teacher will be responsible to sanitize equipment after use.
Teachers will remind students not to touch their faces and to wash hands upon returning from PE.
Priority will be given to games and activities that require no or little physical contact.
The status of secondary inter-scholastic sports will be determined based upon the pandemic status.
During Hybrid and Remote Instruction, parents will be guided by staff to maintain in home PE.
When assemblies are necessary, students will leave at least one empty seat and one empty row between each student. Our facilities allow for ease of social distancing.
Arts -
As part of the arts program, choirs will be continuing while maintaining social distance guidelines.
Art supplies such as markers, crayons, pencils, etc., will be maintained by each individual student and stored separately.
Art teachers are encouraged to wear gloves when collecting and distributing art supplies to students. Gloves will be supplied by the school.